Saturday, December 27, 2008



Tuesday, December 23, 2008

tera melos

Drugs to the Dear Youth


fuck the e! channel.

if i have to listen to another interview with paris hilton i'm going to ruin christmas.

i cut my little brother's hair today. i tried to give him a david byrne look but it sorta backfired and now he looks like that douche bag from twilight. that was my mom's doing though, he can't blame me. plus, he's got cowlicks all over his head. in some cultures that's considered a sign of insanity. not a coincidence.

this box is fantastic and

mr. oizo is a pretty special person.



Raccoo-oo-oon's Behold Secret Kingdom



Monday, December 22, 2008

i'm just going to put this here so i can find it later.

if no one has a problem with that.

Fight Bite - Emerald Eyes


Saturday, December 20, 2008

how do you ask your stepdad if he wants to smoke hash?

i mean, how do you go about that? they're going to think it's heroin. for sure.

anyway, today was great. the holiday season and whatnot going along nicely. i wrapped all my mom's gifts while she watched approvingly. so i suppose my christmas present to her is doing her wrapping for her.

my goddamn cats keep trying to kill my mom's mini dog.
it's goddamn embarassing.

and i need to ask you a quick something.

which of these do i want for christmas?

the erbo super smoking device, OR the sexy mineral wash bull denim slim slack?

i'm gonna go smoke a ball, break into my mom's nice liquor, and watch lost in translation.

night night/